How to motivate a child to learn new skills?

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” —Mark Twain

As rightly said by Mark Twain, only when we motivate our kids to start will they know if they want to take it ahead. Whether it will remain just a passion or will it become their life goal.

We need to understand this basic concept that they are children at the end of the day. In International Schools in Mumbai , teachers ensure that any concept is taught with fun and is interactive by nature so that it will build an environment with curiosity that makes the child involved. I may be no expert but I do have a few tips I’d like to share to hopefully help you motivate your children to learn new skills that international schools in Mumbai can adopt:

  1. Creating an atmosphere – Building the right atmosphere in international schools in Mumbai and at home for your child is key. How we are around them is what they pick up on. Do things as a family together. Create a reading atmosphere where you as parents come together to read to your child for say 20 minutes a day or once they are old enough they read aloud to you. This not only helps them become voracious readers of the future but also in their learning capabilities for school in general.

  2. Driver’s seat – Life is very simple; we all like to have control on what we are doing. Instead of controlling our children we should let them be on the driving seat. Parents need to be the rear view mirror guiding their kids instead of controlling them. Let them feel like they are in control, give them the choices cause no matter what age they are they should feel like building on a skill which they have chosen and not because it was enforced upon them. What is learnt from the heart is never forgotten. If a choice is made by us we learn and are invested more than doing something half-heartedly.

  3. Enthusiasm – Children pick up on our enthusiasm of wanting to learn new things. If they see you learning new things at your age, they will know age is no barrier. That things we learn when we are younger stick with us for a longer time and come in use in the long run. To grab every opportunity that comes our way and to make the most of it. When they see the excitement on your face when you learn new skills and the heights it helps you achieve makes them want to be eager learners.

  4. Game through learning – No one likes something that is boring. Children have a short span of attention. Game based learning is not a new concept. It has been around since sometime. It not only helps make it fun but develop non cognitive skills of children. It helps keep the child engaged but increases the want to repeat the activity and learn more. This technique can also be used on play dates where you can engage children in game based learning which will then help later in classroom settings in international school in Mumbai when they have to be a team player.

  5. Word of Affirmation – Learning a new skill is a process, we need to focus on the learning and not the outcome. We must not forget to praise our children when they are on this journey as it gives them a boost of confidence in their moral and ability. If they go wrong, we should guide them but the words we use plays a vital role on their want to continue learning a skill. Demotivation or reprimanding them for not achieving a certain standard will make them want to quit. Be their support system.

  6. Focus – Focus on their strengths as they find their way through all of the choices that present themselves in front of them. Help them find their true potential. Motivation is key in their learning and growth of new skills at home and international school in Mumbai. Motivate them in ways they will understand and steer them on the right path which they might not be completely aware about.

There is no age to provide our children with opportunities, they wouldn’t know they have needed them all along. Learning never stops. At a younger age it might be basic skills that we teach and as we grow older they get a sense of responsibility and need to be taught leadership on how to string people along and grow together. Skills are learnt not only on a personal level but on an overall level. We pick up skills by observing others as well.

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Grishma Shah

Grishma Shah

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